Jessica Kluess Wilson

(415) 598-8335

In my practice with individual adults and couples, I integrate my training in Gestalt psychology techniques, body-based modalities, and shamanic counseling techniques, as well as a long- standing personal investigation into holistic approaches to health.

Having trained for over 15 years in earth based healing traditions, I feel a deep reverence for the healing power of nature, and gently weave into my client work an awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. I strive to be a trusted ally in my clients’ journeys of healing and transformation. I hold a gentle and supportive space, yet I am also very comfortable being direct and honest in my observations. In my work I am particularly focused on:

  • cultivating presence

  • deepening self-acceptance and self-esteem

  • recognizing and transforming limiting mental patterns

  • empowering clients through recognition of how we participate in creating our experiences in life

  • supporting the integration of mind, body and spirit

In addition to my training as a therapist, I have also worked as a birth and postpartum doula. This experience, along with my experience as a mother, enables me to offer unique support and counseling services for individuals and couples in all phases of family building.

This includes:

  • Pre-marital counseling

  • Pre-parenting counseling

  • Support before, during, and after pregnancy

  • Assisting individuals and couples in facing related challenges, such as infertility, parenting decision processes, and postpartum depression.

My educational background includes:

  • MA in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies

  • BA in Gender Studies from Eugene Lang College of the New School for Social Research

  • MFT License #52907